Food & Cooking

  • Meat Tips…

    • The best cut of beef for a balanced fat to protein ratio for a keto meal is a ribeye.

    • If at all possible purchase grass-fed meats and those sourced from known reliable farms.

      • Grass fed meat has a better nutrition profile with more Vitamin A and Vitamin E than grain-fed beef. Additionally, it is higher in omega-3s - up to 5 times - which can reduce inflammation.

    • No matter the cut of meat make sure that the meat is bright in color (a little brown is okay, but not grey) with adequate marbling for the cut being purchased.

    • Blade tenderizing meat is a mechanical treatment used by meat manufacturers by which meat is punctured with small blades, usually using a machine, in order to soften the cut.
      ☠ The problem with this method when done on a large scale manufacturing facility especially, is that it can push bacteria - that typically can be on the surface of any meat and be killed when cooked - deeper into the cut making it hard to eliminate in the cooking process. ☠

    • A great easy to understand guide to meat cuts and cooking methods can be found here on The Daily Meal.

      Coming soon, detailed entries on topics such as:

  • Sugars…they’re not all created equal! Beware the blood sugar spikes! ☠

  • Gluten Free ≠ Keto…gluten free is a totally different thing (though there exists a lot of crossovers when it comes to whole food recipes.

  • Reading Labels…there’s more to carbs than starch, there’s more to carbs than sugar. Turn the package over!

  • Fillers…there are thousands! Beware packaged foods!

  • Salts…the type you use is important.

  • Fats…#notallfats are safe.
    Avocado = good. Coconut oil (virgin unrefined) = good.
    Canola (vegetable) oils = bad.
    Look for non-aerosol non-propellant sprays
    Look for expeller-pressed non-gmo canola oil for deep frying.